10 Movie Plot Threads That Were Never Resolved

6. How Did Thor Get Back To Earth? - The Avengers (2012)


At the end of Thor, the titular hero saves the day from a giant robot thing but is sadly separated from his one true love Jane - as played by Natalie Portman - over the colossal span of time and space, though she vows to start working on a way to re-unite them as the movie ends. Cue The Avengers last year, and Thor has somehow returned to earth with his brother Loki, with no mention as to how or why they both managed to get back on our planet. This wouldn't necessarily feel like such a abandoned plot thread of huge importance if it were addressed at all, but with the way the ending of Thor made audiences feel, what with the complex nature of the universe's interconnecting portals, it was established that getting back was gonna be a toughie. Apparently not. Like, at all.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.