10 Movie Plot Twists That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

6. Saw

The Prestige
Evolution Entertainment

Twist: The Jigsaw killer was in the room the entire time.

The first entry in the Saw series begins with two men waking up in a restroom room that looks like it has never been cleaned. Both men are chained to the walls. Between them is a dead man who appears to have shot himself. The body is still holding the gun, as well as a tape recorder. Using cassettes found in their pockets, the two men use the recorder to discover that they are being held by the serial killer known as Jigsaw, and one must kill the other in order to save their loved ones. They are also given a time limit of 7 hours to complete their task.

After the rollercoaster of a plot is dished out through flashbacks, offering up several red herrings, as well as gory deaths, one man does end up killing the other, but to his shock, the dead body in the middle of the floor rises up and turns out to the real Jigsaw Killer. This twist was literally in plain sight. How Jigsaw was able to trick a doctor into believing he was dead for several hours is up in the air. Man, that took some crazy effort.

Later this year a reboot will hit theaters starring Chris Rock and Samuel L. Jackson. If it opens with either Jackson or Rock laying dead on the floor, it’ll be a major disappointment.

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The Prestige
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