Movie logic's a strange thing. It doesn't quite operate like real life, and there's obviously a reason for that the majority of us don't sit down in the cinema to watch everyday, mundane life. We expect a story with a beginning middle and end, replete with obstacles the hero needs to overcome in order to achieve his goals. As such, you've got to expect a little creative license from the scriptwriters when they're trying to set up or develop their story. Certain characters might make certain decisions you didn't expect, all for the sake of moving the narrative onward. And you know what? That's fine obviously, I like my movies to make logical, coherent sense, but as I've already said, it's clear that there needs to be some form of impetus. But occasionally, the writers do take the cake, dancing away from slightly odd decision-making and into full-blown idiocy. It's to the characters who make these odd decisions that this article is dedicated. They're the ones who drastically fumble the ball when they could've put the whole plot to bed in double-quick time. Of course, such choices are necessary in the filmic world, but it's sure as hell not going to stop me from pointing out the most blatant instances of when a character stuck to the path of the foolish when it was just so easy to hop off. Be aware, a
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