4. Batman Returns
The Plot: Selina Kyle learns that her boss, Christopher Walken, has made some illegal business decisions. He tries killing her, but Walken didn't think that Kyle's magical kitty friends would bring her back to life. Selina Kyle becomes Catwoman, and decides to try killing Walken for failing to kill her.
The Solution: Go public with the information. Not long after coming back from the dead, Selina meets Bruce Wayne, one of the wealthiest men in Gotham. Tell him what Walken is doing. Tell him what's happening. He'd be able to spread the news pretty efficiently. Or, better yet, go to the presses. Tell them that your boss tried to kill you. It would be easier and more efficient. After all, Walken's character rides on public image to get by. If you ruin his public image, he's dead weight. Hell, if Selina played her cards right, there'd be a promotion in for her. Instead, she decided murder was the only solution.