10 Movie Posters That Led To Massive Lawsuits

6. Camp Hell - Jessi Eisenberg Sues For False Advertising

Couples Retreat

2010 was a career-defining year for rising star Jesse Eisenberg. Sure, appearing in David Fincher's Oscar-winning The Social Network wasn't a bad move, but who can forget his terrific work in the year's other Eisenberg classic Camp Hell?

Don't worry, if you missed the actor's work in this unmemorable horror thriller that's likely because Eisenberg merely made a cameo appearance in the feature. But, that still didn't stop Lionsgate from throwing the actor into the spotlight when it came to the film's release on DVD.

Quickly realising what the studio were up to, though, Eisenberg went out of his way to file a lawsuit against Lionsgate, claiming the focus on his brief turn in the flick to be false advertising and a violation of his right of publicity.

Eisenberg filmed the controversial appearance in 2007, years before he was a hot property, as a favour to his friends who were making the low budget horror. In the end, Lionsgate's attempts to exploit the star's name and face to earn an extra buck upon its home release would ultimately result in the actor looking for $3 million in damages.

This is why lying is bad.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...