10 Movie Posters That Subtly Lied To You

8. Liam Neeson Never Holds A Gun In The Movie - Unknown

Unknown Liam Neeson
Warner Bros.

At first glance, this poster for 2011's Liam Neeson-starring thriller Unknown seems like it sells the film perfectly and honestly: you've got a snappy tagline, attractive blonde women, hints at an exotic locale and, best of all, Liam Neeson holding a gun.

Except, Liam Neeson doesn't actually hold a gun, let alone fire one, in the entire movie. Yup.

Clearly, Warner Bros. were hoping to cash in on the success of Taken by implying that Unknown was just another action flick in the same vein, even though it's actually far more of a Hitchcockian suspense thriller.

Thankfully it's still a pretty solid movie and went on to become a box office success, likely due in part to this act of low-key fibbing.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.