10 Movie Pranks Gone Horribly Wrong

5. Duct Tape Prank - The Breakfast Club (1985)

When The Breakfast Club was first released during the mid €˜80s everybody pretty much agreed that it was pretty funny. However, as time has passed the film has become even more hilarious, albeit unintentionally. In case you don€™t know the premise of the film, the story basically follows the day of five high schoolers - Andrew, Brian, Bender, Claire and Allison - who have all been given Saturday morning detention. The unintentional funny moment in question is when things get really €œserious€ as the kids describe why they all got sentenced to detention. Andrew's confession in particular is one of the most inadvertently funniest stories ever told. As captain of the wrestling team Andrew has been taught to win at any cost. So basically, he acts like a jock d-bag because of it. One day him and friends decided to pull a €œprank€ on a fellow student by duck-taping his butt-cheeks together. As he describes it, when they finally took the tape off it was covered with hair, blood and a little skin. Who behaves like this? This is next level bullying. This guy should have been tried as an adult and charged with aggravated assault. Instead he is simply sentenced to detention where he gets to flirt with Ally Sheedy and make new friends. Life isn't fair. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qMKSINQuSM
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Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com