10 Movie Remakes Better Than The Original
6. Little Shop Of Horrors
Sure, the original has Jack Nicholson (as sadistic dental patient Wilbur Force), but the 1986 version is vastly superior to Roger Corman’s 1960 attempt in almost every way.
Made on a shoe-string budget with some Corman veteran stock actors and a left-over set, the 1960 version has its cult appeal. And it’s charming in its own way - which makes the fact that it was literally completed from rehearsals to principal photography in SIX DAYS - but it misses the theatricality of the musical it was based on.
That’s one place where the 1986 version really improves: not only are the performances - particularly by Rick Moranis, Steve Martin and Ellen Greene - delightful, but the songs are a joy. “Suddenly Seymour” and “Somewhere That’s Green” are modern musical treasures (and so is Greene herself). The music actually helps the whole grotesque element - the baroque staging clashing with the grubby reality of Skid Row. It’s not just functional, it’s aspirational.
It’s being remade again as a dark non-musical, which is a travesty, but hopefully it’ll just direct more attention to the 1986 version.
[Simon Gallagher]