10 Movie Remakes You Didn't Know Were Coming In 2019

7. Logan's Run

Logan's Run

Dystopian fiction is one of the most popular genres across pretty much every medium at the moment, with audiences responding to dark, near-future tales that bring societal problems directly to the forefront. It makes sense, then, that Hollywood has been trying to get a remake of Logan's Run off the ground for years.

The original movie had an admittedly cool premise, with the hedonistic society of the 23rd Century passing a law that no human should survive past the age of 30, with the titular Logan being an executioner who essentially pushed the button on getting rid of these undesirables.

A remake is currently in the hands of director Simon Kinberg and writer Peter Craig, the latter of which crafted the screenplay for the final two Hunger Games flicks, a series which was funnily enough inspired in part by Logan's Run.

The movie will go one of two ways: either it embraces the darker, weirder elements of the original movie and takes the same approach of something like Brazil or The Handmaid's Tale, or it will be a sanitary, young-adult take on the material. The former would no doubt be more interesting, but no matter how it ends up, a premise like this is hard to completely mess up.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3