10 Movie Remakes You Had No Idea Were Even Happening

9. Videodrome (1983)

videodrome-image-blue-and-james1 If you're yet to familiarise yourself with the work of director David Cronenberg, then you're also yet to see some of the strangest things ever committed to celluloid. In this case, it's a videotape being forcibly inserted into a man's chest cavity whilst he's getting turned on and stuff. Videodrome, which originally starred James Woods and the lead singer from Blondie, (her name isn't Blondie - who'd have thunk?) remains one of the Canadian auteur's best and most personal movies. It tells the story of a TV executive who finds himself weirdly obsessed with a pirate radio station that he eventually believes to be controlling his mind. Will It Be Any Good? I'm not sure how or why Videodrome is getting a remake, given that the word "video" is in the title, and we don't really use those things anymore. Somehow a movie about a man putting a Blu-Ray in his chest doesn't strike me as very workable either, but this is Hollywood, so I guess they'll work something out, right? Anyway, somebody called Adam Berg has been tasked with remaking this one. You know Adam Berg, right? He's the guy that did that.. uh... he did that... movie... um... you know. I can't believe you don't know who Adam Berg is.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.