10 Movie Rules That Make No Sense

5. Time Travel Logic - Looper

Harry Potter This Makes No Sense
TriStar Pictures

Time travel is a tough logical nut to crack at the best of times, so for Rian Johnson's sci-fi hit Looper, he basically decided to throw his hands up and accept the contradictions.

Many complained about the film's various logical issues per its timey-wimey shenanigans, particularly the sequence in which young Seth (Paul Dano) has his limbs dismembered and these effects immediately appear on old Seth's body (Frank Brennan). After all, if this always happened to Seth as a young man, wouldn't he always be mutilated as an older man?

And so, in order to hang a lampshade over all this "nitpicking," Johnson literally put a scene in the middle of the movie where old Joe (Bruce Willis) tells young Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) that his logical questions aren't important and he shouldn't overthink it all.

Considering how the overwhelming majority of time travel movies are totally unwilling to confront their paradoxes, it's at least refreshing that Looper decided to embrace its inevitable non-logic.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.