10 Movie Scenes Actors Were Hidden In

4. Cynthia Nixon - Forgetting Sarah Marshall

The Nice Guys

Will Ferrell isn't the only actor on this list to rock up, hang out in the background for a bit, and then move on without anyone noticing.

In 2008's riotous comedy Forgetting Sarah Marshall, keep your eyes on the background as our downtrodden protagonist, Peter Bretter (Jason Segel), is feeling sorry for himself and getting wasted at a bar.

As he drinks a fancy cocktail, a boozed-up Peter says to himself, "I'm on Sex and the City! What's up Miranda?" And at that precise moment, none other than Cynthia Nixon - who played Miranda on the show - walks past behind him.

Nixon's on-screen for about three seconds, but her presence is so unexpected, and our attention focused on Segel goofing around in the foreground, that it easily goes unnoticed.

To make it all even stranger, however, Nixon has claimed on Twitter that she never appeared in the movie. Is she simply being a good sport and keeping the joke alive, or did the filmmakers somehow find an absolute dead ringer doppelgänger for her?

We'll choose to believe the former.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.