10 Movie Scenes Even More Impressive When You Know The Truth

9. Sylvester Stallone Breaks His Ribs Doing His Own Stunts - Rambo: First Blood

Gene Wilder Willy Wonka
Orion Pictures

In the wake of bursting onto the scene as everyone's favourite underdog boxer, Sylvester Stallone decided to take his career in a different direction, swapping gloves for a combat knife upon taking up the reins of John Rambo in 1982's First Blood.

Not one to shy away from the physical aspect of his role, as seen in the aforementioned Rocky flicks, Sly clearly didn't bat an eyelid when asked to perform a scene that would see his Vietnam War vet launch himself off a cliff and into some trees. The moment in question was performed three times by the star on the day. But, despite coming away with the desired shot, the sight of Stallone genuinely crumbling down from a tree came at a cost.

The actor genuinely broke a few of his ribs in the sequence, meaning that those incredibly realistic cries of anguish were about as legit as they come.

This wasn't Sly's only injury on the set, though, as he also seriously hurt his back after being clubbed by a nightstick during a jail scene too.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...