10 Movie Scenes More Real Than You Think

6. Ernie's Three Strikes - Kingpin

Fast Times At Ridgemont High Judge Reinhold Phoebe Cates

The Farrelly brothers' criminally underrated 1996 comedy Kingpin is perhaps best remembered for Bill Murray's outrageously entertaining performance as the film's villain, blowhard bowling pro Ernie "Big Ern" McCraken.

In the film's final bowling tournament showdown between Ern and our hero Roy Munson (Woody Harrelson), Ern scores the victory after pulling off three strikes in a row.

Viewers would understandably assume the feat was cut together from numerous different camera set-ups, possibly even with a real pro bowler to stand-in for Murray.

In reality, the Farrellys planned to shoot Murray bowling until he scored three strikes which could be edited together in post-production, but to their stunned surprise his first three bowls were all strikes - a turkey, even.

And so, the rapturous crowd response to the three strikes is actually completely genuine. In Bobby Farrelly's own words:

"When we got to the final part and Bill had to get three strikes in a row, I figured it could take 10 to 15 rolls. It's gonna take a while for him to get three strikes. But I explained the situation to the audience: 'It's the last frame, he needs a turkey here. And so on the first one, you guys clap big, and then the second one, you clap bigger, and on the third one, you explode because he needs all three.' Of course, Bill gets up there: first one, strike. Everybody goes nuts. Second one, strike, the place goes crazy. Third one, strike. Three in a row. They were really blown away. Like, Bill just threw three strikes in a row when he had to and they erupted. It was not fake at all."


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.