10 Movie Scenes Shot For Real

4. Bond Skis Off A Cliff - The Spy Who Loved Me

Cliffhanger Sylvester Stallone

Roger Moore's third James Bond film The Spy Who Loved Me is hardly a franchise classic, but it does open with one of the most memorable moments in the entire 007 canon.

The pre-titles sequence climaxes with Bond skiing off the edge of a cliff in order to escape his pursuers, after which he daringly parachutes to safety - with a Union Jack-bearing parachute, of course.

This is another stunt which could easily have been achieved through visual effects - especially given the goofy Moore era within which it resides - but the production instead hired stuntman Rick Sylvester to do it for real.

Sylvester and a small crew camped out in a neighbouring village for 10 days waiting for the right weather conditions to perform the stunt, and due to its technical complexity, it was captured by simply pointing a number of cameras in Sylvester's direction and choosing the best unbroken take.

Sylvester was paid $30,000 for the stunt, which ended up costing a total of $500,000, making it the most expensive ever performed at the time.

The end result remains an absolute show-stopper over 40 years later, so it was clearly time, money, and effort well spent.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.