10 Movie Scenes That Are Awesome (But Nobody Talks About)

7. I Think Don't Think I'll Ever Dry Out - Big Fish

Tim Burton's best film (except maybe Ed Wood or the Batmans) is 2003's Big Fish.

Will Bloom is forced to confront his estranged father Edward when he learns that the old man is dying of cancer. Will has felt humiliated and upstaged by his father's tall tales his entire life but, as Edward's story comes to an end, his son discovers that fact and fiction may not be so different after all.

The film is full of underrated moments, but the best part of the whole picture is a 90 second section that takes place in bathtub.

Edward is in the bath, fully clothed and submerged in water. His wife Sandra (played by the outstanding Jessica Lange) joins him, stepping into the bath also in full dress. The steadfast Sandra finally lets the weight of her husband's diagnosis get to her and beings to cry. Edward does his best to comfort her, but all she can say is "I don't think I'll ever dry out".

Unusual, intimate, and unfathomably sad, this scene is everything that is perfect about Big Fish. It's a reminder that people will do very strange things when they are in love, especially when they think that love is about to be taken away.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.