10 Movie Scenes That Do So Much Without Actually Saying Anything

1. Spider-Man Returns - Spider-Man: No Way Home

X-Men 2
Marvel Studios

The latest Spider-Man film isn't a movie many expected any sort of subtlety from whatsoever: it's a shameless blast of fan service and a damn effective one at that.

But surprisingly enough its final two-minute scene actually plays out with no dialogue whatsoever, after Peter (Tom Holland) speaks briefly to Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau), who of course has no memory of who he is, at Aunt May's (Marisa Tomei) grave.

The rest of the film unfolds wordlessly as Peter moves into his new apartment in New York City, starts studying for his GED, and sews his own new Spider-Man costume before swinging triumphantly around the city. The End.

It's a snappy, efficient summation that Peter is back resuming his crime-fighting activities as Spider-Man, and while the Sam Raimi movies would've surely concluded with an uplifting narration from Peter reminding us that he's Spider-Man, here it's all in the visual storytelling with no need for extraneous voiceover.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.