10 Movie Scenes That Led To Massive Lawsuits

7. John McClane's Black & Decker (Or Lack Thereof) - Die Hard 2: Die Harder

Die Hard 2 Bruce Willis

The lawsuit that befell the producers of Die Hard 2: Die Harder is an especially interesting case, because it stems not from a scene in the movie, but one that was filmed yet ultimately cut from the theatrical release.

With the sequel's budget skyrocketing to $70 million - 2.5x the original's modest $28 million - Fox sought relief by deferring to product placement, striking a deal with hardware tycoons Black & Decker to include their new Univolt drill in a scene for $20,000.

The scene was to see John McClane (Bruce Willis) use the drill to unscrew a duct at the airport, while Black & Decker mounted a Die Hard-centric promotional campaign, only to learn three days before the film's release that the scene had been cut.

The company sued for $150,000 in damages, citing a "loss of credibility," despite never actually paying the production the stated $20,000 in the first place.

Still, Fox eventually settled out of court, though curiously, the Univolt never showed up in any of Die Hard 2's released deleted scenes either.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.