10 Movie Scenes That Were Incredibly Awkward On Set

2. Henry Cavill's Big, Bushy Superman Moustache - Justice League

Justice League Superman Mustache
Warner Bros.

The Scene

Not so much a single scene as a good number of Superman's (Henry Cavill) appearances scattered throughout the troubled superhero epic, where due to scheduling issues, Cavill's moustache - which he grew out for Mission: Impossible - Fallout - had to be "digitally shaved" by Warner Bros. in post-production.

The Awkwardness

That's right, after principal photography on Justice League was completed, WB basically realised they had a mess on their hands and called everybody back for an extensive round of re-shoots, fronted by Joss Whedon following Zack Snyder recusing himself from the director's chair.

But as Cavill was already mid-way through shooting Fallout, he was contractually obliged to retain the bush-lip until filming was completed.

With no apparent possibility of shooting around Cavill, WB hilariously pushed ahead, shooting Cavill-as-Superman with a gigantic bushy moustache, and (badly) painting it out later with costly yet laughably ineffective CGI.

Fans were left to speculate on just how silly Cavill looked on set until this past week, where a leak of Cavill's moustachioed superhero mug hit the web.

Between his voluminous facial hair and the dots strewn across his face for VFX reference, it's honestly impressive that any of his co-stars could maintain a straight face while acting opposite him. None of them have ever confirmed how ridiculous it must've been, but the evidence speaks quite conclusively for itself.

Audiences meanwhile laughed and/or cringed at the janky, unconvincing end result of Superman's iffy lower-jaw. To Cavill's credit, he took it all in his stride, thoroughly sending up "stachegate" on social media.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.