10 Movie Scenes That Were Incredibly Awkward On Set

4. Tobey Maguire Almost Drowned While Filming The Iconic Kiss - Spider-Man

Spider Man Kiss
Sony Pictures

The Scene

One of the most iconic and sexually-charged moments in the history of superhero cinema - after saving Mary-Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst) from some muggers, Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire) receives an upside-down kiss from MJ in the pouring rain.

The Awkwardness

As great as the end result looks, shooting the scene was not as pleasurable as it might've seemed for Tobey Maguire in particular.

The big problem, inevitably, was Maguire being suspended upside-down for lengthy periods of time in order to shoot the sequence. This resulted in the fake rain water running down his face and into his nose, creating the sensation of drowning.

Given that Maguire had to keep his other airway locked to Dunst's lips, he struggled to sneak in a few scant breaths while kissing her, making shooting the scene a good deal more torturous than it looked.

In Maguire's own words, "There was rain pouring up or down my nose. I couldn't breathe and I was gasping for breath out of the corner of Kirsten's mouth."

But movie magic being what it is, you'd never guess all the suffering Maguire went through.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.