10 Movie Scenes Too Crazy For Cinema

4. The Plant Destroying The World In Little Shop Of Horrors

Jurassic Park Pterodactyl
Warner Bros.

Warner Bros filmed a record-breaking $5m climax to this 1986 evil-alien-plant-attacks-its-creator story, which it had to cut entirely.

In the musical version, there are hints that the hero Seymore has let the consumerism triggered by his cultivation of a strange plant, Audrey II, overcome him. His face is seen in the blooming leaves of the plant at the end.

In the 80s movie, though, the producers decided to go all-out and have Audrey II kill the two lover leads, spawn, grow to skyscraper size, and destroy New York and – presumably - human civilization. Finally, Audrey II crashes through the movie screen itself, and the audience is launched headfirst into its laughing, gaping mouth.

Director Frank Oz said, "For every musical number, there was applause, they loved it… then the theatre became a refrigerator, an ice box. It was awful and the cards were just awful. You have to have a 55 per-cent "recommend" to really be released and we got a 13. It was a complete disaster." The movie was in danger of not being released at all.

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I am documentary producer from Devon. I find out interesting things.