10 Movie Scenes Where Actors Weren't Faking

7. Chloë Sevigny's 'Anti-Celebrity' Scene - The Brown Bunny

Experimental road drama The Brown Bunny had audiences clutching their pearls when it hit the Croisette in 2003, and some might say with good reason.

Starring, written, filmed and directed by Vincent Gallo, and featuring a soundtrack that sparkles with the niche solo work of John Frusciante, The Brown Bunny takes an avante-garde approach to filmmaking, with plenty of hand-held footage and heavy grain to match. So far, so good.

Towards the end of the somewhat awkward and narratively loose film, however, we arrive at the scene that so scandalised audiences. In a dream sequence, Chloë Sevigny's Daisy performs unsimulated fellatio on protagonist Bud Clay (Gallo). With multiple angles, it is impossible to come away from the film believing this scene is anything but the real deal. Unfortunately, it is an ego-stroking exercise for Gallo, filmed like a home-made porno and adding nothing to the narrative.

Roger Ebert even called it the worst film to have ever appeared at Cannes and Sevigny herself has defended the scene as 'art', but the jury is out.

To add fuel to the flames, Gallo decided to take out a billboard advertisement over Sunset Boulevard to promote the film's (albeit limited) theatrical release, featuring a black and white still from the offending scene.


Writer, editor, trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.