10 Movie Scenes With Unexpected Influences

3. The Rooftop Battle Was Inspired By A Left 4 Dead Level - Hardcore Henry

Glass Onion Bean
STX Entertainment & Valve

The finale to the buck wild sci-fi action flick Hardcore Henry takes place at the HQ of the villainous Akan (Danila Kozlovsky), as Henry battles his way through the facility to the roof for a final showdown with Akan and his remaining goons.

Some video game fans soon enough noted distinct similarities between the movie's rooftop and a level from the hit multiplayer video game Left 4 Dead - namely the hospital rooftop section at the very end of the No Mercy campaign.

And in a 2021 Reddit AMA, director Ilya Naishuller was asked about the suspicious aesthetic similarities of the two set-pieces, and indeed confirmed that he was directly influenced by the iconic video game. Naishuller said:

"Absolutely intentional. I love, love, love L4D. Some of my very fondest multiplayer memories, so I showed my production designer the No Mercy hospital rooftop finale as a reference for the HH finale."
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.