10 Movie Scenes With Unexpected Influences

4. The Whole Movie Is Based On An Eddie Murphy Skit - Get Out

Glass Onion Bean
Blumhouse & HBO

Jordan Peele's Oscar-winning horror film Get Out is such a singular piece of work, yet the movie's title and base concept were actually inspired by a very specific source - an iconic skit from Eddie Murphy's immensely popular 1983 stand-up show, Delirious.

Murphy's legendary, unforgettable bit sees him talking about classic horror movies Poltergeist and The Amityville Horror, and asking why white people don't just leave the house when they find a ghost that bellows, "Get out!"

Murphy hilariously makes it clear that he'd be out the door in record time, and repeats the refrain "Get the f**k out!" throughout the monologue.

Now, Peele evidently couldn't have gotten away with calling his movie Get the F**k Out, but all the same, it's Murphy who deserves unexpected credit for inspiring both the title and central premise of Peele's ferociously entertaining satirical horror flick.

Hell, Peele even admitted that he considered casting Murphy in the role of protagonist Chris himself, though ultimately - and rightly - decided he was too old for the part, and cast the much younger, eventually Oscar-nominated Daniel Kaluuya instead.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.