10 Movie Scenes You Didn’t Know Used CGI Trickery
Robert Downey Jr hasn't ALWAYS played Tony Stark...

CGI and green screen are two things most commonly associated with big blockbusters, the type of genre fare that features aliens, enormous explosions, gravity-defying stunts and interplanetary travel.
There are some things that just can't convincingly be portrayed without an assist from a team of special effects whizzes, and while the likes of Iron Man's suit and Henry Cavill's mouth have clearly been created on a computer or two, CGI is used in a lot more places than you could possibly imagine.
At this point, there are several well-known examples of this - scenes of actors driving in cars are commonly shot on a soundstage and not on the road, and often, city backdrops and distant skylines have been rendered in post-production.
But movie CGI goes much deeper than even these small details, and over the years, things as trivial as a walkie-talkie or a napkin were not slotted into a film in as simple a manner as you might expect.
So for those who think CGI is an overused filmmaking crutch, check out these ten examples - you might just change your mind.
10. Air Duct Fall - Jurassic Park
Back in 1993, Jurassic Park's dino special effects were considered revolutionary, and even today, they put most blockbusters to shame. And aside from the obvious uses of computer wizardry, the movie boasts several small, unnoticeable tweaks here and there that smooth out some rough edges.
Shortly after the famous kitchen scene, Alan Grant and the gang are forced to crawl through an air duct in order to escape the clutches of a vicious velociraptor.
At one point, one of the kids - Lex - falls through the ceiling when one of the metal panels she crawls on is busted in by a raptor. Here, she dangles in midair as she clings onto another metal panel, at which point a clear shot of her face can be seen.

But this isn't actually the actress who plays Lex, Ariana Richards.
A stunt double was used for this shot, and when the double accidentally looked straight into the camera, Spielberg and his crew were forced to digitally add in Richards' face to rectify what would otherwise have been a blatant mistake.