10 Movie Scenes You Won't Believe Didn't Use CGI

6. A Nightmare On Elm Street - Glen's Bloody Bed Eruption

Batman Returns Catwoman Bird
New Line Cinema

Remember your first viewing of horror king Wes Craven’s iconic eighties fantasy slasher hybrid A Nightmare on Elm Street? The first film in the long-running, currently on hiatus franchise is darker and nastier than its stream of sequels imply and than many viewers remember and it’s full of unforgettable images which even the most hardened horror viewer will still recall vividly (even after The Simpsons’ Treehouse of Horror series took a hilarious satirical swipe at a lot of its best sequences).

By way of example just look at the hyper-gory fate of Glen, the Final Girl’s requisite confidante and the dreamboat we all hoped against hope might make it to the closing credits. Johnny Depp impresses in a very early role he nabbed from under the nose of both Brad Pitt and John Cusack, but his performance is best remembered for the shockingly gruesome sight of him being pulled inside his bed by Freddy - only for a massive geyser of blood to erupt out afterwards.

Limited as CGI was at the time, it’s hard to imagine the scene not requiring at least some form of digital trickery. However, the reality is weirder than expected - the effect was achieved by building a set of Glen’s bedroom, then flipping the entire thing, meaning the torrent of blood is in reality falling to the floor rather than the roof.


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