10 Movie Secrets Hidden In Single Frames

6. Barry Studies His Own Rescue - Zack Snyder's Justice League

Spider-Man 3

Finding the time to pause and rewind scenes when taking in a film that comes it a whopping 242-minutes takes some serious dedication and commitment, it has to be said.

And luckily for those DC diehards who simply cannot get enough of what Zack Snyder brought them with his much clamoured for edition of Justice League, a particularly passionate soul managed to hone in on one rather sudden and sharp detail that likely went overlooked by those taking in the mammoth movie as a whole.

As picked up in a post on Reddit's always intriguing MovieDetails page, when Barry Allen attempts to rapidly save a bunch of scientists from some falling debris, Snyder managed to sneak in a subtle flash (pun definitely intended) of the superhero actually studying his own execution of the rescue.

Had The Flash actually used this time to, you know, pull off said rescue, perhaps Cyborg wouldn't have had to step in late in the day to blast away the remaining rubble that threatened to squish a poor civilian. But then fans wouldn't have had this barely noticeable gag to chew on, would they?

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Spider-Man 3
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...