10 Movie Secrets That Were Hiding In Plain Sight
8. Tesla Vs. Edison - The Prestige
While The Prestige, like each one of Christopher Nolan's movies, has its fair share of details which become more meaningful when you know the full plot, it's an entirely missable subplot between Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison that's the most interesting.
The film never actually shows Edison on screen, opting to focus on David Bowie's Tesla, but it does show how he's just as committed to ruining his rival's inventions as the two magicians are to ruining each other's illusions. When Tesla shows off his latest machine on stage, he's heckled in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it shot by a bearded man in the audience, apparently there to highlight how risky the inventor's new creation is.
However, in another short scene towards the end, the same man is present at a hotel, and the receptionist refers to him as "one of Thomas Edison's men". Not only does this add an extra meaning to his prior sequence, but it hints even more strongly to the rivalry between the two inventors going on behind the scenes.