10 Movie Sequels FINALLY Happening

8. Beverly Hills Cop: Axel Foley

lord of war nicolas cage
Paramount Pictures

Joining I Am Legend as another film that has seemingly been in the process of development for decades, the long-awaited fourth entry in the Beverly Hills Cop series finally began shooting last year.

The flick has actually been discussed as far back as the mid-90s, with Eddie Murphy even telling Rolling Stone that he was trying to nudge the series onto television at one point. In the end though, the rights to the sequel project were picked up by Netflix, and both the streaming giant and Paramount Pictures are producing the incoming return of Axel Foley.

And if the promise of seeing Murphy dust off his pistol wasn't enough of a reason to get excited about this latest Beverly Hills action-adventure, then the casting of Kevin Bacon and Joseph Gordon-Levitt in roles alongside returning cast members Judge Reinhold, John Ashton, Paul Reiser and Bronson Pinchot will likely do the trick.

It may have taken an age, but seeing Detroit's most famous fictional cop cracking wise and donning his iconic Lions jacket once again will hopefully be worth the three-decade wait.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...