10 Movie Sequels That Completely Flipped The Original

9. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Throws Out Theme Parks Entirely

22 Jump Street

2015’s Jurassic World was seen by many critics as a return to form for the uneven franchise which sprang from Steven Spielberg’s original 1993 blockbuster adaptation of Michael Crichton’s sci-fi novel. It was also a return to formula, with Jurassic World’s reimagined version of Jurassic Park making it the first film in the series to utilize the “theme park gone wrong” set up of the original where 1997’s The Lost World and 2001’s Jurassic Park 3 had centred around rescue missions.

The inevitable follow up to Colin Trevorrow’s flick came in the form of 2018’s Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, which seemed like it would follow a similar formula to The Lost World until it really, really didn’t. You see, the final act of this flick sees the film’s action take place in a gothic mansion during a secret dinosaur auction held for the world’s most prominent arms dealers—when we said it shook up the formula, we meant it.

Throw in a surprise clone and an ending which saw dinosaurs taking over the human world and you’ve got a film which won over a lot of critics but left some fans of the franchise pretty understandably alienated before its closing credits.


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