10 Movie Sequels That Should Have Been Prequels

7. Shrek 2 (2004)

Shrek was DreamWorks€™ first real declaration of war against Pixar, a film that rivalled everything that the Disney-backed studio had put out at that stage, Toy Story included. In fact, Shrek went out of its way to rub Disney€™s nose in it on more than one occasion, poking fun at some of the fairy-tales and characters made famous by the long-established studio. This film set a new standard in computer-animated movies; great to look at and, crucially, packed full of subtle adult humour. Shrek was showered with universal praise for its satire and the way it cleverly subverted so many children€™s stories, taking some of the most well-worn tropes in storytelling and presenting them in a new, thoroughly mischievous way. The problem with the first sequel (and all that followed) was that so many stories and fables were referenced in the original that it was a case of slim pickings when it came to taking the story forward. In place of subtle adult humour and tilts on old wives tales Shrek 2 turned its satire on pop culture, and the result felt neither as original nor satisfying as the first effort. Instead of going ahead with three more mediocre instalments, there should have been one brilliant prequel, showing our sulky hero abandoned by his parents at age 7 (an Ogre tradition according to the musical), revealing how he came to own his swamp and why the hell he speaks with a Scottish accent. This would have taken the emphasis off the exhausted satire and made Shrek's life the main focus. It's his gig, after all.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.