10 Movie Sequels Whose Titles No Longer Made Sense

4. The Haunting In Connecticut 2: Ghosts Of Georgia

Reliable geography is not always the movie titler's friend. The producers of disaster hit Krakatoa, East of Java liked their title so much that they figured people probably wouldn't care that the eponymous volcano was actually found to the West of Java. No such problems face dubiously "based on a true story" 2009 horror The Haunting in Connecticut. Very much a Ronseal title, it tells you just what you're getting. If you're into the dark spirits that haunt the night and leafy New England locales then you're in for a lives-entirely-up-to-your-expectations-and-literally-no-further treat. The film did well enough to inspire a similar follow-up that took another not-very-true story and gave it another self explanatory spectre + state title: Ghosts of Georgia. Worried that audiences wouldn't appreciate that this was an official sequel to the almost identical earlier movie, distributors Lionsgate decided to slap The Haunting in Connecticut 2 in front of the new film. This now leaves the film with two contradictory locations in the title and they're not even close to one another. The sequel is set in the South, around 850 miles away from Connecticut, so it's not really a haunting IN Connecticut by any stretch of the imagination. For Europeans unaware of American geography, this would be about as coherent as calling a film Ghosts of Venice: A London Haunting.

Loves ghost stories, mysteries and giant ape movies