10 Movie Sequels You Have No Idea Were Just Released

These sequels all came and went without anybody noticing.


Sequels are of course the lifeblood of Hollywood. There's nothing producers and executives love more than turning a single successful film into an ongoing IP, and as long as they keep producing profits, quality most often tends to be secondary.

While studios will extensively promote their biggest releases each year, they're also able to generate not insignificant profits from smaller franchises which keep chugging along quietly in the periphery.

Not everything can be a mammoth blockbuster franchise like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Wars, or Mission: Impossible after all.

But even so, sometimes sequels are produced with such little fanfare that the vast majority of those who saw the original likely have no idea they're even a thing.

These 10 recent movie sequels, then, from the latest entries into long-running horror franchises to sequels to infamous box office bombs, have all sheepishly been released to the world - primarily on streaming platforms - though you'd barely know it.

This isn't to say that all of these movies are awful - a couple, in fact, are rather good - but regardless of their quality, they've all been sent out into the universe with scarcely a peep...

10. Jeepers Creepers: Reborn

Screen Media Films

Don't feel bad if you didn't know there's a fourth - let alone a third - Jeepers Creepers film, which limped its way into a handful of U.S. cinemas earlier this year before clambering onto home video platforms.

Jeepers Creepers: Reborn, a quasi-reboot intended to start a new trilogy of movies centered around the Creeper, is mesmerising in its basic incompetence as a piece of filmmaking.

Evidently shot on a shoestring budget, large portions of the movie are inexplicably shot against a green screen - even in environments as basic as graveyards - and, per the budgetary constraints, look absolutely wretched.

That's to say nothing of the appalling acting, writing, and direction otherwise, which makes a persuasive argument the franchise is best put out to pasture.

And yet, it somehow still managed to gross $4.3 million theatrically worldwide, which combined with home video grosses could be enough to justify a fifth Jeepers Creepers in the near future. Be afraid, be very afraid.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.