10 Movie Special Effects Nobody Believed

2. BB-8 - Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Star Wars The Force Awakens BB8

The Special Effect

To make the instantly lovable droid BB-8 a tactile and free-standing entity in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, J.J. Abrams relied on a number of (mostly practical) special effects solutions.

The movement of BB-8's football-like body was achieved by wheels within the inside of the unit, which were counter-balanced by weights to ensure smooth movement, while a gyroscope maintained a continuous sense of direction.

As for keeping BB-8's head atop the body? Magnets worked in tandem with a centrifuge to ensure it could maintain a consistent position regardless of what the body was doing.

Seven different BB-8 props were made for The Force Awakens, and more complex action beats required them to be attached to a mobile "trike" unit, or even be pushed by a performer in a green leotard who was painted out in post-production.

Why Nobody Believed It

J.J. Abrams put it best himself, "There were a lot of discussions about how having a CG BB-8 would be so much easier."

We're so conditioned to expect complex mechanical objects like this to be rendered digitally that there was never any expectation from fans that BB-8 would be a practical, tangible object.

And so, Lucasfilm was able to have a ton of fun trotting out various versions of BB-8 on The Force Awakens' red carpet premieres worldwide, confirming that he wasn't simply a very, very convincing digital prop.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.