10 Movie Stars Who Have Written Novels

8. Chris Colfer - Land Of Stories

Although just 25 years old, Chris Colfer, better known as button-cute Kurt Hummel from the TV series Glee, is establishing a literary reputation to match that of his award-winning acting career. Having penned his first novel, The Wishing Spell, in 2010, he has since developed the Land Of Stories series with three more novels following in consecutive years. Children's books centred around the concept of falling from the real world into a land of fairy tales and magic, each became a bestseller within weeks and have inspired huge amounts of interest from film studios eager to take the much-loved tales onto the cinema screen. Colfer himself recently produced his first movie, Struck By Lightning, suggesting that the actor's future lies on the other side of the camera. Looks like we'll have to get our fix of Kurt Hummel's smug quiff by watching Glee repeats from now on.
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Feature and fiction writer based in the north of England.