10 Movie Stunts You Didn't Know Had Killed People

1. The Fatal Spiral Stunt - Top Gun

For all of Top Gun's memorable moments and the impact it had on the cultural zeitgeist - including basically reinventing how everyone saw volleyball - its stuntwork and the then utterly jaw-dropping antics of the planes including should forever be its chief selling point to fans of spectacle. But sadly, those moments that made hairs stand on end, and skin prickle with excitement came at a cost, as the dedication that runs during the film's credits is testament. The film is dedicated to the memory of Art Scholl, a renowned aerobatic pilot who was hired to do in-flight camera work, and was tasked with pulling off the incredibly difficult "flat spin" sequence that would become one of the film's most engaging moments. The aircraft pulled off the flat spin, but continued past its recovery point and Scholl came over the radio with a final message: "I have a problem... I have a real problem" before the plane crashed into the Pacific Ocean. Neither his body nor the plane were ever recovered, meaning the official reason for the crash was never officially discovered.

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