10 Movie Trailers That Totally Trolled Audiences

9. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street

Sweeney Todd Johnny Depp Helena Bonham Carter
Warner Bros.

If you hadn't heard of Stephen Sondheim's hit musical Sweeney Todd in 2008 - a distinct possibility if you're not a regular theater-goer - the trailers for Tim Burton's adaptation made a concerted effort to conceal the fact that the film was a musical at all.

Of the main trailer's two minutes and 25 seconds, just 20 seconds feature any singing - that's a whole 13.79%, by the way - as if to imply that the sing-song is a typically Tim Burton-esque surreal one-off rather than the entire style and form of the movie.

Furthermore, the trailer mashed together some of the film's scant spoken dialogue to give the impression it was a conventional narrative feature.

As such, many were gob-smacked to find themselves sitting down for a musical within mere minutes of the movie starting.

It was a bizarre marketing tactic given the popularity of Burton and his cast, and also the fact that the film turned out to be very good, receiving three Oscar nominations (including Best Actor for Johnny Depp) and winning the gong for Best Art Direction.

Had the film been a tonal nightmare and Warner Bros. was worried about how it would go over with The Casuals, then perhaps you could understand it, but was anything really gained by flat-out messing with cinema patrons who didn't do their homework before heading to the multiplex?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.