10 Movie Trailers That Totally Trolled Audiences
4. Deadpool 2

The trailers for Deadpool 2 were an A+ exercise in toying with the audience in a way that was entertaining while ensuring they didn't feel short-changed.
The marketing trained a heavy focus on the introduction of Deadpool's (Ryan Reynolds) new superhero team the X-Force, comprised of Domino (Zazie Beetz), Zeitgeist (Bill SkarsgÄrd), Shatterstar (Lewis Tan), Bedlam (Terry Crews) and, er, Peter (Rob Delaney).
And despite the trailers showing the X-Force in action, all of the new heroes - with the exception of Domino - are killed in their introductory scene, dying in an hilariously brutal series of accidents after they parachute from a helicopter, many before they even reach the ground.
Director David Leitch even shot additional footage of the doomed heroes fighting the DMC goons purely for the trailer, to ensure fans didn't have a hope in hell of figuring out the brilliant gag before it played on cinema screens.
The result was pure hilarity, of course, and a marketing troll most fans were more than willing to be a part of.