10 Movie Trilogies That Had The WORST Endings

1. Poltergeist

Halloween Ends

The Poltergeist trilogy wrapped up with an especially sad and dispiriting finale due to the devastating circumstances surrounding its production.

Young Heather O'Rourke, who played Carol Anne Freeling in all three films, died suddenly during post-production of Poltergeist III, and because the studio required large portions of the third act to be re-shot before release, a stand-in for O'Rourke had to be used.

Given that even director Gary Sherman didn't want to finish the film following O'Rourke's death, there's unsurprisingly a patent lack of passion and enthusiasm evident in the end product.

Bar some impressive in-camera effects, it feels like a major step down from Tobe Hooper/Steven Spielberg's original, and even the already not-good second film.

In the very least, Poltergeist III's poor box office performance convinced producers to put the IP on cinematic ice for almost an entire 30 years, until 2015's aggressively mediocre remake.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.