10 Movie Trilogies That Had The WORST Endings

6. The Hangover

Halloween Ends
Warner Bros.

It is admittedly glaringly obvious that The Hangover should've never been a trilogy anyway - and let's be honest, two movies was already pushing it.

Yet the original 2009 comedy was such a massive surprise hit at the box office that there was always going to be more, and after The Hangover Part II made more money than its predecessor, why wouldn't they milk the IP for one more go-around?

And while Part II was basically just a Thailand-set remake of the original, Part III saw writer-director Todd Phillips shift away from the prevailing formula towards a glorified thriller with a comedic fringe.

Philips was seemingly bored of the series' template himself, but by placing the Wolfpack in literally mortal danger and pivoting to a more violent, mean-spirited tone, the laughs quickly dried up.

It was, ultimately, a miserable ending to the trilogy, and made no bones about the fact that everybody involved was only here for one fat final payday.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.