10 Movie Villains Killed By Characters Nobody Expected

1. Emil Antonowsky - RoboCop

Harry Potter
Orion Pictures

There are several memorably grisly death scenes in Paul Verhoeven's satirical splatter classic RoboCop, but surely none more than that of Emil Antonowsky (Paul McCrane), a lackey in Clarence Boddicker's (Kurtwood Smith) gang who took part in the murder of Alex Murphy (Peter Weller).

This one gets a slight asterisk to it, because though RoboCop doesn't actually kill Emil as you'd most reasonably expect, he does nevertheless set events in motion for him to be killed.

After RoboCop fires at his car, Emil ends up crashing into a vat of toxic waste, resulting in him emerging deformed with his skin basically melting off.

But the event that truly kills Emil dead? His boss Clarence not looking where he's driving and accidentally plowing through Emil at full speed, instantly obliterating him in spectacularly, hilariously gory fashion.

Sure, it's likely Emil wasn't long for this world after taking a toxic bath, but in the end it was Clarence's reckless driving which decisively finished the job.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.