10 Movie Villains So Dumb They Deserved To Fail

2. Eric Sacks - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)

Harry Potter Voldemort Death
Paramount Pictures

When it comes to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, nobody is expecting the villain's plan to make sense. And yet, Eric Sacks' diabolic scheme from the 2014 adaptation is stupider than anyone could imagine.

The Michael Bay-produced Turtles reboot has the nefarious philanthropist attempt to blanket New York City with a lethal gas, forcing the people to empty their wallets for Sacks' antidote. The cure stems from the mutagen flowing through the turtles' veins, which can regenerate any organism on a cellular level.

Firstly, why doesn't Sacks sell the mutagen WITHOUT poisoning a heavily populated city? Considering mutagen can cure virtually anything, Sacks is guaranteed to make a vast fortune.

Now, Sacks says he must commit to his plan, since he wants to be "stupid rich" (even though he's already a billionaire). However, he's guaranteed to make LESS money, since he's wasting God knows how much to manufacture the deadly virus.

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