10 Movie Villains That Killed Other Villains

1. Sullivan Killed Costello - The Departed

Thor Ragnarok Hela Surtur
Warner Bros.

As far as twists and turns, secrets and lies, and not having a clue what's going to happen next go, there aren't many like The Departed. Martin Scorsese's masterpiece pit deception against deception, and rat against rat until basically everyone was dead.

It may not have been on the same level as Sullivan or Costigan's ultimate deaths in terms of shock value, but Costello's death was the big one. Jack Nicholson's character was the big bad of the piece, and tied the story together. He was at the center of everything, and who the likes of Dignam wanted dead.

The man who eventually brought Costello down was a legitimate part of the police, but not who he would have expected to finally nail him. Sullivan was like the son Costello never had, and as the mob boss' mole within the force he was just as much a villain as his father figure, but it was ultimately Sullivan who shot Costello in the chest.

The two came together as the manhunt for the latter reached its conclusion, and upon admitting that he was an informant himself, Costello was killed by Sullivan. How ironic that the one man in the police force that managed to kill Costello was the one that he put there himself.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.