10 Movie Villains Who Died Happy

8. The Predator - Predator

Kingsman The Golden Circle Poppy
20th Century Studios

Look past that hideous maw and there's genuinely joyous feeling radiating from the titular extraterrestrial warrior at the end of the original Predator.

After all, the Yautja are a proud race of aliens, and when hero Dutch (Arnold Schwarzenegger) defeats one in the movie's climax, it seems positively delighted that it met its death at the hands of such a worthy combatant.

That, and it's got one final chickens**t surprise for Dutch, as it activates a self-destruct device built into its suit, which just so happens to be a mini-nuke that damn-near razes the entire damn jungle, leaving Dutch lucky to be alive.

In the moments before the bomb detonates, the Predator even lets out a deep cackle that eerily mimics a recording of Dutch's teammate Billy (Sonny Landham) from earlier in the film.

The creature straight-up uses its final seconds of life to thoroughly troll Dutch, and appears absolutely thrilled by the opportunity to do so. Bless.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.