10 Movie Villains Who Made One Wrong Move

9. Raoul Silva - Skyfall

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The Wrong Move

Not shooting M (Judi Dench) when he had the perfect opportunity at the Whitehall hearing. Silva (Javier Bardem) had a solid five seconds to plug her in the head, but he hesitated and ended up shooting Mallory (Ralph Fiennes) and other cops instead.

Now, you can certainly argue that Silva had countless prior opportunities to kill M - such as the opening MI6 explosion - but even if you accept that Silva was toying with her and wanted her to see her workplace blown to smithereens, Whitehall was the golden opportunity to pay-off his insanely convoluted plan throughout the film.

Though M does die at the end of Skyfall, it's ultimately not at Silva's hands, and he never gets to witness it as he's killed by Bond (Daniel Craig) moments prior anyway.

What They Should've Done

This one's dead simple: shoot the damn gun and get the hell out of there. Had Silva not choked at a crucial window of opportunity, M would've died in Whitehall and Silva may well have escaped Scot-free.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.