10 Movie Villains Whose Conscience Got The Better Of Them

8. Doctor Octopus - Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 2 remains one of the greatest superhero sequels of all time, and a major reason for that is the presence of Alfred Molina's Doctor Otto Octavius. An actor like Molina may not immediately leap to mind when considering comic book supervillains - but then, Raimi's Doc Ock is not your typical supervillain. Driven to crime by an accident that caused both the death of his love and the painful merging of four giant mechanical arms to his spine, Otto Octavius is driven to the brink of madness by his turn of ill fortune. Determined to right the wrongs and avenge his wife, Otto causes quite a bit of destruction across New York City in the process. The mechanical tentacles have more than a bit of control over Otto, but at the end the good Doctor realizes the insanity of his own devices and chooses to sink his unstable fusion reactor into the river. To do so, he has to sink along with it. On the plus side, this act redeemed the half-robot and showed that the human half is always stronger. The bad news is that pretty much everything goes downhill from there in Spider-Man 3.

Matt is a writer and musician living in Boston. Read his film reviews at http://motionstatereview.wordpress.com.