10 Movies That Would Actually Benefit From A Remake

3. Timecop (1994)

20 years on, Timecop remains the highest-grossing Jean-Claude Van Damme starring vehicle, which is hardly surprising given it was released at the peak of his popularity, before his descent into the straight-to-DVD market during the intervening decades. Despite grossing over $100m at the worldwide box office, the plot is hugely inconsistent and full of holes you could drive a truck through. Nonetheless, the strength of the central premise would lend itself incredibly well to the remake treatment. The opening scene of Timecop sets out the movie's stall in brilliant fashion; Confederate soldiers transporting gold bullion are suddenly attacked by a man in period clothing, who just happens to gun them down with automatic weapons. Boom, audience hooked. Sadly, the rest of the movie fails to deliver on the promise of the first scene and the actual time travel is very limited, with the action mostly taking place in either 1994 or 2004 bar a quick jaunt to the Wall Street of 1929. Still, it remains a serviceable sci-fi actioner. The great thing about the 'time-traveling lawman' concept is that a remake would have so many avenues to explore. Besides keeping a few story beats from the original (lead character's wife is offed in the opening act, villain alters the past to manipulate the future), there would be an entirely blank canvas to play with. The plot could feature uniquely-devised set pieces from across history, with a bad-ass action hero saving the world as well as his woman.

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