10 Movies That Had A Bigger Impact Than You Realise

8. Celebrity Voices - Aladdin

What it's known for: Aladdin was the third film in Disney's incredible early-nineties renaissance and successfully offered something a little more multi-gendered than the solely-princess focus of The Little Mermaid and Beauty And The Beast. But as well as boasting a human male protagonist for the first time since The Black Cauldron, Aladdin struck a decidedly different tone, with Genie's humour resting heavy on contextual jokes that really hit home for parents. This pop culture referencing was a tact that dominated the first decade of Dreamworks' existence and still find its home in other animations. What it also changed: Robin Williams didn't just shake up the humour of animated movies, but also how they sounded. There'd been famous names occasionally behind animated mouths before, but it was never a near necessity until Aladdin. Kurt Russell as Copper in The Fox And The Hound wasn't trumpeted from the rooftops, but a decade later Williams' turn as the Genie turned voice artistry into a celebrity past-time - it's now impossible to release an animated movie without A-List stars filling out the main cast.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.