10 Movies We're Embarrassed To Admit Got Us All Choked Up

8. World War Z

World War Z, the apocalyptic 2013 zombie film that was actually successful, is far from the type of movie you walk into expecting anything profound or heart-wrenching. It's a zombie movie, so we expected the typical "losing a loved one to a zombie bite" feels that have been exploited by every George Romero ripoff that Hollywood and Edgar Wright can come up with. But I am hesitant to admit that World War Z actually had me holding back the tears toward the end of the film, when Pitt was finally reunited with his family - whom we believed were as good as dead - with the triumphant cure underway. No, the resolution of the plot itself wasn't anything special, and to be honest, it felt quite rushed. Still, we have to hand it to an actor like Brad Pitt who can take even the most cartoony and played out premises and turn it into a serious movie we can sink our teeth into (zombie pun unintended). Watching him embrace his family once again was a moment that was unexpectedly heart warming enough to make our hearts cheer with tears.

Jon is the author of the Pixar Theory, the narrative that combines all of the Pixar movies in one timeline. You can read more about his random nonsense on jonnegroni.com