10 Movies Everyone Remembers For The Stupidest Reasons

9. Citizen Kane - The Poll

Superman The Movie Christopher Reeve
Warner Bros. Pictures

Sight & Sounds "Greatest Films Of All Time" poll is, in the cinephille world, the be all and end all. If a film's placed on here, it's a classic. Go f*ck yourself, IMDb 250.

Citizen Kane had the honour of being the "best ever" for a whopping five decades, and was only dethroned back in 2012 when Vertigo (which had climbed up slowly after little notice upon initial release) overtook it. And that was probably the best thing that could happen to Orson Welles' opus. After all, being "The Best Film Ever" makes sitting down to watch it a rather high-pressured task. If you don't like it, is it you who's missing the point? And what if you think it's great, but not the best? Pretty much unless you adore every fibre of its being you're going to be let down to some degree, and that's how everyone regards the picture.

Now it's lost the title (albeit still sitting strong in second place), a lot of that weight has been removed and people can appreciate Kane for what it really is; an impeccably constructed, highly personal drama told in a unique way with an absolutely cracking twist. And that's what that poll had been hiding all these years; Citizen Kane's really entertaining.

Poor Vertigo though.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.